Advising Student Handbook
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The Advising Student Handbook considers some of the most common academic advising issues that Stanford undergraduate students face. Whether you're deciding on a major, trying to get started in research, or struggling and looking for help, these pages offer a place to start and pathways to explore.
Ready to discuss in more depth? It's time to make an appointment with an Academic Advisor!
Academic Progress and Policy
Can I get credit for AP, IB, or Transfer Courses?
Does Stanford have an attendance policy?
What are my minimum academic progress requirements?
What are my graduation requirements and how do I check them?
What are the Ways of Thinking / Ways of Doing requirements?
What happens if I don't meet my minimum requirements?
What is the Honor Code?
Course Planning: Basic Tips
Do I need a 4-year plan before I arrive?
Do I need to take a placement test?
How do I find out when my finals are?
How do I research a course?
How do I start to build a schedule?
How many classes should I take?
Should I "shop" more classes than I expect to enroll in?
What academic deadlines should I be aware of?
What is a syllabus and how do I read one?
What is a typical quarter like?
What is a unit?
Why should I take classes outside of my expected major?
Course Planning: Expert Mode
Asking for an Incomplete
Can I take more than 20 units in a quarter?
Can I take this course for Credit/No Credit?
Repeating a course
Should I withdraw from this course?
Taking courses at the Business School, Law School, Med School, and
Understanding the course catalog
What does it mean when a course has variable units? (3-5, etc)
What is a directed reading and how do I arrange one?
What should I do if I am experiencing a conflict with one of my courses or instructors?
Why should I fill out my course evaluations?
Enrollment and Using Axess
Can I change my COLLEGE or PWR course?
Can I stay on campus even if I’m not enrolled in classes?
Help, I have an enrollment hold!
How do I find my transcript?
How do I enroll in a course?
How do I use Axess?
Why can't I enroll in this course?
About Introsems
How do I write an IntroSem statement of interest?
I didn't get into the Introsem I wanted! Now what?
Why should I take an IntroSem?
Getting Started in...
The Arts
Earth Sciences
Interdisciplinary Fields
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Majors, Minors, Honors, and More
Declaring Your Major
Double Majors, Secondary Majors, and Dual Degrees
Exploring Potential Majors
Minors and More
Planning for an Honors Program
Senior Capstones, Honors, and Synthesis Projects
Working with a Faculty Honors Advisor
Making Connections
Asking for letters of recommendation
Building your academic network
Connecting with faculty
Go see a peer advisor
How to email faculty
What's an academic coach?
What's a Student Services Officer (SSO)?
What's an Undergraduate Advising Director (UAD) and why should I meet with one?
Why should I get to know a faculty member?
Doing Research
Department summer research programs
For sophomores only: The Chappell-Lougee Scholarship
How do I get started in research?
How do I pursue my own independent project?
Further Resources for Specific Student Populations
Information for international undergraduate students
Resources for first-gen/low-income (FLI) students
Resources for student-athletes at the AARC
Wellness, Resilience, and Academic Success
Free tutoring and help for Stanford courses
Help, I failed a midterm!
Help with procrastination, test anxiety and study skills challenges
How do I maximize my chances for success?
Making time for wellness
Time Away from Stanford
Making time for study abroad
Returning after a Leave of Absence
Returning from an academic suspension
Studying abroad in the summer
Taking a Leave of Absence
Use summer to meet your goals