Advising for Specific Student Populations
The Office of Academic Advising provides academic advising, programming, and support for all students as they shape their Stanford education. We understand that certain student groups may face unique requirements and challenges. Faculty, instructors, and staff may find additional information and resources for some of these specific student populations below.

First-Gen/Low-Income (FLI) Students
Many Stanford students are either low-income and/or the first in their families to go to college. These First Generation/Low-Income (FLI) students often face unique concerns in addition to those of the general student population. Read our tips and considerations for supporting FLI students here.

Student-Athletes at Stanford are members of one of our 36 varsity athletic sports, which is approximately 12% of the undergraduate population. Student-Athletes may face some unique circumstances apart from (but in addition to) those of the traditional Stanford student: for example, NCAA requirements and legislation. Learn more about best practices for supporting student-athletes, NCAA requirements, and find information about other athletic programs.