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Welcome Transfers!

Transfer student Danya Adib-Azpeitia was one of a large group of students who introduced themselves to the audience at the Chicanx/Latinx New Student and Family Welcome. (Move-In Day, 2018)

Information for Transfer Students

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Stanford transfer students are those who are admitted to Stanford having had one or more years of experience at another institution of higher education. Our transfer community includes students who come to us from community colleges as well as four-year colleges and universities, non-traditionally aged students with valuable professional and/or life experience, and military veterans.

In supporting your personal and intellectual development, Academic Advising encourages you to engage with faculty; explore academic opportunities that align with your goals and interests; find your intellectual home; and discover a sense of belonging at Stanford. Your journey begins with the transfer credit assessment process

and advising that takes place throughout the summer prior to your autumn quarter enrollment and continues during New Student Orientation (NSO) when you will attend many sessions designed to welcome and introduce you to life at Stanford.

You will have multiple mentors.  Upon admission, you will have a dedicated Undergraduate Advising Director and Coordinator for Transfer Advising who will support you throughout the transfer credit assessment process and your time at Stanford. Additionally, will hear from the Undergraduate Advising Director (UAD) who is affiliated with your residence. Once you declare a major you will have a major advisor, too.


Quick Links for Transfer Students


For Currently Matriculated Transfer Students

Currently matriculated transfer students are supported by Undergraduate Advising Director and Coordinator of Transfer Advising, Dr. Ingrid Anderson, and can schedule an appointment with her, or with any other UAD, including those with expertise in Pre-Professional or Coterminal Degree Programs. Once declared, all students are also supported by a faculty advisor within their major.

For Prospective Transfer Students

Considering applying to Stanford? Please direct your inquiries to the Office of Undergraduate Admission: Information for Prospective Students