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Four students pose by the Shumway Fountain.

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Please note that appointments are only available for current Stanford students and alumni.

Undergraduate Advising Directors (UADs) in your neighborhood

Academic Advisors assigned to all students living in the undergraduate residences, located in your neighborhood.

UADs for Student-Athletes

Academic Advisors assigned to all Varsity Student-Athletes, located in the Athletic Academic Resource Center (AARC).

UADs for Pre-Professional Advising

Academic Advisors with focused expertise in Pre-Professional pursuits (pre-health, pre-law, pre-education, pre-business), located within Sweet Hall.

UADs for Coterm, Leland Scholar, Transfer, Off-Campus, and Returning Student Advising

Academic Advisors with focused expertise in supporting coterminal students, Leland Scholars Program students, transfer students, off-campus students, and students returning to Stanford after time away, located within Sweet Hall.

Undergraduate Advising Directors in your neighborhood

Jelena Batinic

Jelena Batinic, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliations: Ginkgo and Redwood  
Office Location: Roble Hall, Room M126
Phone: (650) 725-9844

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Kristin Black, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliation: Ginkgo
Office Location: Toyon Hall, Room 153
Phone: (650) 721-5745

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Melanie Burkett

Melanie Burkett, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliation: Magnolia
Office Location: Governor's Corner, Schiff 197
Phone: (650) 724-4483

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Julia Burrows

Julia Burrows, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliation: Magnolia
Office Location: Elliott Program Center 129
Phone: (650) 498-1464

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Lorena Castro

Lorena Castro, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliation: Redwood 
Office Location: Roble Hall, Room M125
Phone: (650) 498-9886

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Raymond Chen

Raymond Chen, Ph.D.

Lead Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliations: Aspen and Sequoia 
Office Location: Wilbur Hall Administration Building, Room 113
Phone: (650) 723-7966

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Cari Costanzo

Cari Costanzo, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director; Lecturer in Anthropology

Neighborhood Affiliation: Hyperion
Office Location: Wilbur Hall Administration Building, Room 102
Phone: (650) 723-0079

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Thien Crisanto

Thiên Crisanto, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliation: Wisteria
Office Location: Gerhard Casper 9

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Petra Dierkes-Thrun

Petra Dierkes, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director; Lecturer in Comparative Literature & Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Neighborhood Affiliation: Sequoia
Office Location: Okada, Room 141
Phone: (650) 498-1278

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Monika Kress, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliation: Hyperion
Office Location: Wilbur Hall, Okada 142
Phone: 650-725-9284

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Arik Lifschitz

Arik Lifschitz, Ph.D.

Lead Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliations: Ginkgo and Redwood 
Office Location: Lagunita Administration Building, Room 110
Phone: (650) 497-3648

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Christina Mesa

Christina Mesa, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director; Lecturer in American Studies

Neighborhood Affiliation: Ginkgo
Office Location: Crothers Hall, Taper Center, Room 102
Phone: (650) 725-9655

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Eric Moy

Eric Moy, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliation: Aspen 
Office Location: Stern Hall, WA105
Phone: (650) 723-4031

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Kathleen Phillips

Katie Phillips, Ph.D.

Lead Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliations: Hyperion and Wisteria
Office Location: Gerhard Casper Dining, Room 038 (facing Ng Hall)
Phone: (650) 498-4757

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Laura Selznick

Laura Selznick

Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliations: Magnolia and Olive 
Office Location: Florence Moore Hall, Paloma 105
Phone: (650) 723-3828

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Melissa Stevenson

Melissa Stevenson, Ph.D.

Lead Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliations: Magnolia and Olive
Office Location: Florence Moore Hall, Paloma 106
Phone: (650) 721-5571

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Gabriel Wolfenstein

Gabriel Wolfenstein, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director

Neighborhood Affiliation: Aspen 
Office Location: Stern Hall Annex, Room WA109
Phone: (650) 498-9896

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UADs for Student-Athletes

Meredith Basil

Meredith Basil

Associate Dean of Academic Advising

Office Location: AARC (Arrillaga Hall 2nd Floor)
Phone: (650) 724-1054

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TJ Burnett

Undergraduate Advising Director, Student-Athletes  

Sports: Women's Basketball, Football, Men's and Women's Track/Cross-Country, Wrestling
Office Location: AARC (Arrillaga Hall 2nd Floor)

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Nick Combo

Nick Combo

Undergraduate Advising Director, Student-Athletes  

Sports: Baseball, Men's and Women's Crew, Field Hockey, Squash, Men's and Women's Tennis
Office Location: AARC (Arrillaga Hall 2nd Floor)
Phone: (650) 723-9650

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Monique Holt

Lead Undergraduate Advising Director, Student-Athletes

Sports: Artistic Swimming, Men's Basketball, Men's and Women's Fencing, Football, Softball
Office Location: AARC (Arrillaga Hall 2nd Floor)
Phone: (650) 725-0790

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Carina Thompson

Carina Thompson

Undergraduate Advising Director, Student-Athletes  

Sports: Women's Beach Volleyball, Men's and Women's Golf, Men's and Women's Soccer, Men's and Women's Swimming/Diving, Women's Volleyball
Office Location: AARC (Arrillaga Hall 2nd Floor)
Phone: (650) 736-3528

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Shannon Wilson

Shannon Wilson

Undergraduate Advising Director, Student-Athletes

Sports: Lightweight Crew, Men's and Women's Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Sailing, Men's Volleyball, Men's and Women's Water Polo
Office Location: AARC (Arrillaga Hall 2nd Floor)
Phone: (650) 725-2240

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UADs for Pre-Professional Advising

Rebecca Curtin

Rebecca Curtin

Undergraduate Advising Director, Pre-Professional Advising

Focus: Pre-Med/Pre-Health, Pre-Business, Pre-Law Advising
Office Location: Sweet Hall 130
Phone: (650) 725-3687

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Kathy Wright

Kathryn Wright

Undergraduate Advising Director, Pre-Professional Advising

Focus: Pre-Med/Pre-Health, Pre-Law, Pre-Business Advising
Office Location: Sweet Hall 129
Phone: (650) 725-1196

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Cecilia Martinez

Undergraduate Advising Director, Pre-Professional Advising

Focus: Pre-Med/Pre-Health
Office Location: Sweet Hall 127
Phone: (650) 721-4549

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Katie Wang

Katie Wang

Director of Upper Division and Pre-Professional Advising

Focus: Pre-Med/Pre-Health, Pre-Education Advising
Office Location: Sweet Hall 128
Phone: (650) 725-1195

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UADs for Coterm, Leland Scholar, Transfer, Off-Campus, and Returning Student Advising

Paula Aguilar

Paula Aguilar

Undergraduate Advising Director, Coterminal Degree Programs

Focus: Coterminal Advising
Office Location: Sweet Hall 124
Phone: (650) 498-9130

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Ingrid Anderson

Ingrid Anderson

Director, Transfer Advising Program

Focus: Transfer Student Advising
Office Location: Sweet Hall 142

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Kylee Beck

Kylee Beck

Leland Scholars Program Manager

Focus: LSP Student Advising
Office Location: Sweet Hall 125B
Phone: (650) 721-6174

Lisa Villarreal

Lisa Villarreal, Ph.D.

Undergraduate Advising Director, Academic Support Programs

Focus: Returning Student Advising, Off-Campus Student Advising
Office Location: Sweet Hall 122 
Phone: (650) 736-5980

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