Taking courses at the Business School, Law School, Med School, and d.school
It's sometimes possible to take classes at other Stanford schools while you are an undergraduate. But be careful-- each school has its own rules, enrollment process, and deadlines you need to be aware of. Read on for some important considerations before you enroll.
Enrolling in Courses at the Graduate School of Business (GSB)
The business school allows a few undergraduates to take some of their courses. The GSB Pathfinder Program is specially designed to allow sophomores, juniors, seniors, and coterms to take GSB courses designed and intended especially for interested undergraduates.
Further allowances are made on a case‐by‐case basis by special arrangement with the instructor and the student services office of the business school. You’ll find information about what classes are available and how to go about enrolling in them at the GSB website for non-GSB students.
Be aware that the deadlines and expectations for business school courses are different from those of the undergraduate programs and that no accommodations will be made by the business school. You will see these spelled out at the GSB site, but some examples:
- You may not drop a GSB course via Axess after the GSB drop deadline.
- The GSB does not have a "Withdraw" option for GSB courses.
- If you are enrolled in a GSB course after the GSB add/drop deadline, you will receive a GSB grade.
Enrolling in Courses at the Law School
There are a limited number of law school classes that are open to undergraduates by special arrangement with the instructor and the Law School Registrar. Students can also make arrangements to visit individual lectures by special arrangement with the registrar and the instructor. Visit the Law School’s webpage on non-law student registration for more information.
- Definitely browse the LAWGEN subject code in ExploreCourses, as those are courses taught by law school faculty that are aimed at non-law students, including several Introsems.
- In addition, the Stanford Pre‐Law Society typically arranges a shadowing week when undergraduate students can visit Stanford Law School classes.
Enrolling in Courses at the Med School
While Axess will let students enroll in most Med School courses directly, only some of these classes are appropriate for undergraduates. When in doubt, contact the instructor to ask for permission to take their course as an undergrad.
- Keep in mind that Med School courses offer different grading basis options. If a class is listed on Explore Courses as "Medical Option," you must usually choose between Medical +/- (Pass/Fail), a Letter Grade, or Credit/No Credit.
- If a Med School course is certified for a Ways requirement (e.g. PSYC 135 for Way-SMA), you must choose a Letter Grade to have it fulfill that requirement.
- Many Med School professors also teach IntroSems, Alternative Spring Breaks, and Sophomore College courses that can help you pursue an interest in medicine.
Enrolling in Courses at the d.school
The d.school offers a certain number of design courses open to undergraduates, as well as pop-out workshops that usually take place over a weekend. Generally speaking, you must apply to take a d.school class through their website, and space is limited. Visit the d.school's classes page for more information.
- Frosh and sophomores are encouraged to enroll in Designing Your Stanford, which teaches students design thinking tools and ideas they can use to craft a more fulfilling college experience. (Navigate Classes Link: Designing Your Stanford)
- Juniors and seniors may want to consider taking Designing Your Life, which uses a design thinking approach to help students tackle their life and career after Stanford. (Navigate Classes Link: Designing Your Life)
- You may also want to subscribe to the d.school mailing list to stay informed about classes and events.